Kirti Gurung lives in Karapu, a mountainous village of the Lamjung district in Nepal. Her husband Hom works in the Gulf countries as a laborer, barely making enough to meet the family’s daily expenses. He is one of 3.5 million Nepalese enduring very poor working conditions in order to ensure their family’s survival. He visits his family once every two years.
At age 25, Kirti bears all the responsibility of caring for the family. Her work day is from 5 am to 10 pm. She walks 30 minutes to reach the nearest water, cleans house, feeds the family and the buffalo, collects and bundles firewood as well as grass for the animals and works the small family farm. She is also an active community leader.
Her biggest fear concerning her children pneumonia. Her doctor told her that avoiding smoke, dust and cold were the best ways to prevent it. In 2012, 64% of the 5.4 million households in Nepal used firewood for cooking, primarily indoors. Cancer, cataracts and respiratory diseases are also common side effects from long term smoke exposure. CHOICE Humanitarian has initiated a Metal Stove program in villages with elevation higher than 4,300 feet.
Metal stoves are not expensive. About 25% of the $125 cost is met by the villagers, 60% by CHOICE, and 15% by local governments. They use far less fuel, produce less smoke and use a chimney to vent it outside, cook faster and safer and help heat the home. In 2014, CHOICE helped install 232 stoves in Nepal.
A metal stove will last approx. 20 years. That means for 1.7¢ a day, Kirti and Hom’s children can grow up with a smoke free home that is warm and safe. CHOICE thinks that is a very good investment. We hope you think so too.